
Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Berenstain Bears Get Stage Fright

The Berenstain Bears Get Stage Fright
By Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain; Random House Books 1986

Summary: Given the lead role in the school play, Sister Bear is sure she'll forget her lines. Despite Brother's teasing, she follows Mama's advice and practices until she's perfect. On the night of the performance, it's Brother who ends up with stage fright and who is rescued by his sympathetic sister.

My Review: I love this Berenstain Bears children’s book because it really shows you who is there for you. When Sister Bear is worried about her lines her family is there for her and help her and give her advice.  Stage fright is a scary thing. I’ve had stage fright when I did acting and it is horrible, but once I got out on the stage I felt confident and was able to say my lines because of practice. I think this a great children’s book and should be read! 

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